Reviews,  Skincare

Toning Pads, Another K-Beauty Trend?

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Before anything else, I’m putting this out there: despite my status as a skincare lover, I’m LAZY. In all honesty, even though I lost in the genetic lottery when it comes to good skin, a good chunk of my breakouts happen these days for two major reasons. One, I sometimes eat way too much junk. And two, there really are times I neglect my skincare routine. I know, yikes. But I’m human, I’m aging, I get tired. Forgetting to wash makeup off, or not applying moisturizer when you clearly should It happens to the best of us.

ANYWAY! My point is, the easier things are for me, the better. So the Korean beauty trend of pre-soaked toning pads definitely appeal to me. The first one I’ve ever tried was COSRX Original Clear Pad, and only because it was part of a holiday value pack I got from one of my Korean skincare suppliers. I was pleasantly surprised, though! I quickly learned that this trend has been around for years, and thought to myself how I didn’t think of this before.

These pre-soaked cotton pads have just the right amount of product, and the pads themselves help exfoliate skin. It’s a one-step skincare product that usually contains a more potent formula than regular toners we’re used to. So, you not only save time during your routine, you also get to see results faster. In some cases like the aforementioned COSRX pads, they can also be used as a makeup corrector! Color me impressed.

My current favorite just ran out recently, and wouldn’t you know it, I got a supply of Daymellow Amazon Belief Balancing Toning Pad from YesStyle just in time! I read up about the brand and product, and found out the main ingredient is Amazon acai berry extract (hence the name). This ingredient is known to promote collagen production because of the fatty acids. It makes your skin glow while making it firm yet hydrated, which works for basically all skin types. Perfect for the aging millennial 😉

Daymellow’s pads not only help get rid of impurities in our pores (say bye-bye to blackheads and whiteheads), but also soothes the skin and even balances its pH. Made in South Korea with cruelty-free ingredients and processes, I am definitely sold.

Most of the time, skin really does take time do adjust to a product. With Daymellow’s toner, I didn’t see my skin purge (a.k.a. the multiple tiny breakouts that result from skin acclimatizing to new ingredients or even an entirely new routine). It’s mild and alcohol-free, which is perfect for sensitive skin like mine. No harsh scents either, which is usually present in a lot of alcohol-based toners.

In my short experience with toning pads, most of them contain 70 pads per tub. However, the main difference I’ve seen with Daymellow’s is that there’s excess liquid too. There’s less chance of the pads drying up, whether you use it once a day (so a little over 2 months’ worth), or twice (just a little over a month’s worth). Either way, this 6oz/175ml worth of toner goes a long way. It’s also perfect for travel (although not advised to be in your carry-on), as there’s less chances of spills in your luggage.

Another feature I like about Daymellow’s toning pads is that its container is transparent. If you’re as absent-minded as I am, I sometimes don’t realize I’m running out of product until it’s too late. This container is see-through so I immediately will know if I’m close to needing a refill.

Daymellow Amazon Belief Balancing Toning Pad retails for ₱ 1,104.84 at YesStyle, but you can always count on holiday promos and discounted prices from the website. You can use my code YESIMEE10 for an additional discount on this and other products site-wide.

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